Master of Bodies


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What if you could bring the dead back to life?

What would you do?

Kipp discovers his special talent at his grandmother’s funeral. And oh what a talent it is. No one ever looks at him the same afterward. Eventually he forgets about what he can do . . . until tragedy strikes again and again.

Kipp is a magnet for tragedy.

Sometimes bringing the dead back to life isn’t what it’s all chalked up to be. With great power is great responsibility, but Kipp isn’t the most responsible guy out there. He tries. He’s even found a woman who is crazy about him, despite the oddness in his demeanor. You’d be a little odd too if you could do what Kipp does.

Everything is great until the moment tragedy strikes, and it always seems to be there hiding in the shadows of Kipp’s twisted reality.

What would you do if YOU could bring the dead back to life?